Q: Why the videos are not clear when I check them from phone screen?
A: In order to play the video more smoothly, please download the video to the local album first.
Q: Real-time video playback on phones is not smooth.
A: The distance between the phone and the dashcam is too far. It is the best to connect within 3m/9.8ft.
Q: The SD card cannot be read.
A: Use a good quality branded SD card between 32GB and 128GB (Class 10 or UHS type 3) and format the card within the Setup menu.
Q: When I press the MENU button nothing happens.
A: This is normal during recording. Stop the recording before pressing the MENU button.
Q: I can’t see full size video on dash cam screen.
A: Because the screen is only 3.16 inch, you can only see the limited area of the video on dash cam screen. Please see the completed area on your cellphone or PC.
Q: Unresolved issues.
A: Reset the A1 to the default settings within the Setup Menu and try again. Should the problem persist contact us by support e-mail.